Letter U got some changes and became Umbrella instead of Unlock. What do you think? I thought the existing picture was very cute and required only a small amount of "tinkering" to use it for the new theme. And I left the little key under the letter.
Next month I am moving on to S and T and will revisit V in the coming months.
*On another topic, I finally got up the courage to start a blog of my own--atwillowtreepond Feel free to check it out and leave me some comment feedback. I am still struggling with the layout--this post is a perfect example!
It looks wonderful Teresa! And I'll definitely check out your blog!!
It's a Vixen (fox) not a dog. Nice job.
Wow! You have a lot done and it looks great. I love the "X" block and I really like "U" for umbrella.
Well, duh! A vixen--yes, I was definitely missing something :) Thanks again, Katherine, for pointing me in the right direction!
They look great, and I love your alterations!
I think someone has already mentioned the dog is in fact a Vixen ... and I'm wondering if it's all related Aesop's Fable of the Fox and the Grapes, but that doesn't put the fox in a good light...
it's amazing!!!!!! I love your work!!!!!
Looks wonderful! I love the U is for umbrella! (: Your blog is lovely, too.
Hello, your blog is a small marvel! I shall mean seeing your marvels!
Best regards of marylin FRANCE
Http: // poussy-stiches-my-love.over-blog.com
Teresa, what great progress you've made! Congrats. And I love your changes - very creative. I too am struggling with a blog. No worries - we'll get there!
Looks great!
I was wondering, what is the brand of frame you're working on? Where could I purchase one? Did you get it at your local stitching shop?
Also, what type of stitching group are you in that you went on a retreat? (saw on your blog) Just wondering (as if I need to go out and find a stitching group! Busy enough as it is!!) Thanks! Melissa
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