Monday, August 18, 2014

Col. Mustard with the Zinnia in the Stitching Room

Vacation Days delayed my start, but the ABC Sampler is now firmly a member of my stitching rotation. The behemoth has affectionately become known as "The Big Mustard" for it's similarity in color to the kitchen condiment readily found in any well stocked pantry. In all seriousness though I just love the color! It's simply wonderful paired with everyone's favorite 3371. Colors that would otherwise fade into the background simply pop off the fabric. Will I be this enamored by J K L ? Oh well, I'm in love for now.....


cucki said...

Wow well done dear..
It's looking so lovely ...sweet hugs x

Kevin said...

I love that mustard linen you've chosen to stitch your ABC's on! Really is such a nice, warm color. I was trying to figure out how many spaces you left between your letter blocks - looks like either two or three. I can't remember myself now how many spaces I left, but might need to go back and adjust mine. Definitely wise of you to stitch the outlines before filling them in! Wish I had thought of that - it definitely would've helped with my placement. Look forward to your updates!

Zoe said...

I like how you've started this. I recently received my Y & Z and I'm wondering how to begin, since I usually start from the middle of a pattern and work out. I may try what you're doing and start with the outline, since the pattern says how many stitches it is.

linda wilson said...

I had not thought "The Alphabet" was stitched on mustard. Is it your own preference or is that is required by Prairie Schooler. It sounds gorgeous and can see how the colors would pop. I'm still toying with the idea of jumping in and stitching "The Alphabet". Quite an undertaking, for sure!!!!!