I was so happy to discover this blog stitch along. I started my blocks several years ago on a full yard of 32/33 ct Belgian raw linen, using 1 strand of cotton, regular and assorted overdyes adding some textural stitches as I go along. I love these designs but I get distracted by other projects and the 36 inch scroll rods that this piece is on are not the easiest things to wrangle to put in just a couple of stitches.
I don't have a picture of the whole piece but I do have pictures of many of the blocks thus far.
Completed are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K. J is in process. This picture gives a better feel for the how these wonderful blocks stack. I loved tinkering with the Beeskeps and bees wings.
It looks fabulous!
Am I the only one who can't see a picture in this post?
I love how it looks! You aren't the only one who ever got distracted by other projects.... you have done a lot so far!
It looks so great! I know what you mean about distraction of other projects, too many projects and never enough time. Hopefully we can keep each other motivated on this one because it is huge.
The distraction of other projects definitely affects me too. But I love what you have so far! It looks amazing! (:
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